Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory

Department of Engineering

Adam GreigAdam Greig

Position: PhD Student



Office: BN3-02

Thesis Title: Sparse Regression Codes for Network Communications

Supervisor: Dr Ramji Venkataramanan


I completed my undergraduate BA and MEng degrees at CUED, specialising in Computer and Information Engineering. My Masters project involved optimisation in the biologically inspired context of bacterial colony pattern formation, and I also studied signal processing and statistics.

Research Interests

My research focuses on information theory and coding for communications. I am interested in the new area of sparse regression codes (SPARCs) and their application to network information theory issues, such as the multiple description problem and coding with side information.


Capacity-achieving Sparse Regression Codes via approximate message passing decoding 10.1109/TIT.2017.2649460 / arxiv:1501.05892 and 10.1109/ISIT.2015.7282809

Optimizing the Finite Length Performance of Sparse Superposition Codes arxiv:1705.02091


I demonstrate(d) A4 (Fourier Signal Analysis), I1 (Spectrum Analysis & AM Modulation), the IA Microprocessors lab, and 3F4 (Data Transmission).

I supervise(d) 2P6 (Communications), 3F1 (Signals & Systems), 3F4 (Data Transmission), 3F6 (Software Engineering), and 3F7 (Information Theory).