Main > EFW27
Eric Wieser
Background -
Research -
Position: PhD Student
E-mail: efw27 [at]
Office Location: BN3-02
Thesis Title:
Supervisor: Joan Lasenby
Graduated in 2017 with a BA and MEng in Engineering at Cambridge, specializing in information and control engineering.
Parcipant in the penultimate year of the Cambridge-MIT exchange.
Steering council member and maintainer for NumPy.
Research Interests
Geometric Algebra, Formalized Mathematics, Mathematical Software
Google Scholar:
Conference presentations:
- ICCA12: Formalizing Geometric Algebra in Lean ( slides, video)
- CICM2021-FMM: Scalar Actions in Lean's mathlib ( slides, video)
- AGACSE 2021: Adapting Matrix Algorithms for Multivectors ( slides, video)
- CUED Div-F 2022: Noncommutative algebras, computer algebra systems, and theorem provers ( slides)
Personal website, with a collection of somewhat old engineering and software projects