Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory

Department of Engineering

IIB: 4F8 Image Processing: 2015-16, Lent Term.

Image Processing

Joan Lasenby

Handouts, m-files and Images

Consolidated Handouts 0 to 6 -- Image Processing

Handout 01-- The 2D Fourier Transform etc

  • Sinusoid_Demo.m -- illustrates the 2d FT of a 2d sinusoid. As expected, the FT contains just 4 peaks at + and - the 2 frequencies.
  • lenna256.mat -- mat file containing the 256x256 image of lenna in the array x.
  • grayimage.m -- small program to display grayscale images as used by other programs
  • convolution_demo.m -- program to convolve Lenna with a gaussian to illustrate blurring

Handout 2 -- Digitisation, sampling and the 2d-DFT

Handout 3 -- 2D Digital Filters

  • imagephasedemo2.m : program to illustrate importance of phase in images by giving amplitude and phase only reconstructions
  • imagefilter3_demo.m : filtering of Lenna with three bandpass filters (2 rectangular and one circularly symmetric)
  • runbessel.m : program to illustrate the form of the IFT of the ideal circularly symmetric bandpass filter for different upper and lower frequencies.

Handout 4 -- 2D Digital filter design and windowing

  • productwindow.m : program to plot the 2d windows formed from the product of 1d windows and their spectra [rectangular, Hamming and Kaiser]
  • ProdWindowCircBP.m : program to investigate the effects of windowing, with product window functions [rectangular, Hamming and Kaiser], an ideal circularly symmetric lowpass or bandpass filter. Also show what the effects of such a filter are on Lenna.
  • RotatedWindow.m : program to plot the 2d windows and their spectra formed from the rotation of 1d windows [rectangular, Hamming and Kaiser].
  • RotWindowCircBP.m : program to investigate the effects of windowing, with rotated window functions [rectangular, Hamming and Kaiser], an ideal circularly symmetric lowpass or bandpass filter. Also show what the effects of such a filter are on Lenna.

Handout 5 -- Image Deconvolution

Handout 6 -- Deconvolution and image enhancement

Examples Paper and Solutions :

Tripos Papers and Cribs for 2007 to 2010 can be found here