Professor Nick Kingsbury
Background - Research - Teaching - Other Work - Publications
Position: Professor of Signal Processing (emeritus)Signal Processing and Communications Research Group
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge and Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge. Mailing address:
Trinity College
CB2 1TQ, UK For downloadable publications, please see the Publications section below. Here is the key journal paper on complex wavelets and here is a tutorial paper on the Dual-Tree CWT (complex wavelet transform). Downloadable talks are in the section, Downloadable talks and material. For downloadable teaching material, including filled-in pdf lecture notes, please see the Downloadable Teaching Material section below.
Nick Kingsbury received an honours degree in 1970 and a PhD. degree in 1974, both in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Cambridge, UK. From 1973 to 1983 he was a Design Engineer and subsequently a Group Leader with Marconi Space and Defence Systems, Portsmouth, specialising in digital signal processing and coding, as applied to speech coders,spread spectrum satellite communications, and advanced frequency hopping radio systems. In 1983 he became a Teaching Fellow and Director of Studies in Information Engineering at Trinity College Cambridge, and from 1986 a University Lecturer in Signal Processing at the University of Cambridge. In October 2000 he was appointed to a Readership in the Department of Engineering at Cambridge and in October 2007 he became Professor of Signal Processing. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and was head of the Signal Processing and Communications Research Group from 2006 until 2016. In Oct 2017 he retired from departmental teaching and administration.Research
Since 1983 Nick Kingsbury has carried out research and has supervised 38 PhD students in the following subject areas:- Speech compression (using multi-pulse and code-excited linear prediction models);
- Error resilient vector quantisation techniques for speech compression;
- Combined coding and modulation for FM data transmission;
- Optimal data demodulation methods for channels with phase jitter;
- Image and video sequence compression using sub-band filter banks, lapped transforms, wavelets and lattice vector quantisation;
- Error resilient techniques for image and video compression, to provide graceful degradation over noisy channels and avoid the need for error correction coding where possible;
- Human visual system models for measuring visibility of coding artefacts;
- Motion estimation techniques using complex lapped transforms and wavelets;
- Motion estimation methods which correctly model occlusion and relative motion of multiple objects;
- 3-D object data acquisition methods for application to face recognition;
- Complex Wavelet Transform techniques;
- Applications of complex wavelets to denoising, texture analysis / synthesis, image classification and segmentation, and compression;
- Robust watermarking of images and video in the complex wavelet domain;
- Denoising and segmentation of 3-D datasets using complex wavelets;
- Seismic image reconstruction;
- Content-based image retrieval;
- Magnetic resonance and ultrasound image enhancement and visualisation;
- Registration of non-rigid objects in images and 3D data;
- Robust keypoint detection and local feature descriptors for object recognition;
- Sparse signal processing methods employing overcomplete wavelet decompositions;
- Machine learning for image and video understanding systems with wavelet-based enhancements.
Downloadable research talks (PDF) and material (zip files)
Recent talks that I have given (in pdf format) are downloadable as follows (most recent first):- 3 talks given to the Universities Defence Research Centre (UDRC) in March 2013:
- DTCWs&Apps_UDRC (1.6 MB) Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets - their key properties and a range of image-processing applications.
- DTCWT&Vision_UDRC (1.8 MB) Dual-Tree Wavelets and their application to Vision Systems: key-point detectors and descriptors with polar matching.
- DTCWT_Hilbert&Filters_UDRC (0.7 MB) Complex-valued Wavelets, the Dual Tree, and Hilbert Pairs: why these lead to shift invariance and directional m-D wavelets?
- ScenesVision&Wavelets (2.8 MB) Natural Scenes, Vision and Wavelets; CSP Forum, Jan 2013.
- CMS_Math&Info_talk (1.8 MB) Complex-valued Wavelets, the Dual Tree, and Hilbert Pairs: why these lead to Shift Invariance and Directional M-D Wavelets; Feb 2012.
- Adelaide_L0RL2_slides (1.0 MB) Fast L0-based Sparse Signal Recovery; May 2011.
- PairwiseMatching_ICIP2010 (1.8 MB) Matching of interest point groups with pairwise spatial constraints; ICIP, Sept 2010.
SigProc_talk07 (1.1 MB) Complex Wavelets: What are they and what can they do? June 2008.
DTCWT_Talk05 (0.6 MB) Dual Tree Complex Wavelets - Part 1; Feb 2005. - DTCWT_Talk05_pt2 (0.7 MB) Dual Tree Complex Wavelets - Part 2; Feb 2005.
- HASSIPtalk04 (1.1 MB) Dual Tree Complex Wavelets, HASSIP Workshop Sep 2004.
Lecture courses given:- 3rd year selective course on Digital Filters - 1983 to 1985.
- 6 lectures of M.Phil. course on Maths for Signal Processing - 1985.
- 3rd year course on Modulation / Demodulation - 1986 to 2001.
- 2nd year course on Communications - 1987 to 1997.
- M.Phil. course on Speech Analysis - 1987 to 1990.
- 4th year course on Digital Communications - 1995 to 2002.
- 4th year course on Image Coding - 1996 to 2017.
- 3rd year course on Random Processes - 2002 to 2012.
- 3rd year course on Information Theory - 2007 to 2012.
- 3rd year course on Digital Communications - 2002 to 2017.
- 2nd year course on Image Processing and Photo Editing - 2006 to 2015.
Downloadable teaching material (PDF and zip files)
Engineering Part IB, Paper 8 - Information Engineering Option - Part A, Photo Editing:- Matlab M-files (42 kB zip file) for complete Photo Editor Package.
- Colour Demonstrations as a web page (html).
- JPEG images (4.2 MB) from the demonstrations.
- Lecture notes (4.9 MB) for the course.
- Matlab M-files (12KB) for loaded dice demo, central limit theorem demo and main figures in notes;
- Lecture notes (690 KB) for the course;
- Examples sheet with solutions (130 KB).
- Lecture notes (430 KB) for the course.
- Examples sheet (31 KB).
- Matlab M-files (46KB) for 3D displays of phasors and main figures in notes.
- Lecture notes (430 KB) for the course.
- Examples sheet 1 (41 KB).
- Examples sheet 2 (29 KB).
- Colour .BMP images from 1st lecture (770KB);
- Matlab M-files for later lectures (874KB - now in lowercase to suit Matlab 2014 onwards);
- Lecture notes (1.4 MB) for the course;
- Examples sheet (0.04 MB) for the course;
- Examples solutions (0.9 MB).
Other Work.
Consultancy in the fields of telecommunications and signal processing for the following organisations: Marconi Defence Systems, Portsmouth; G.E.C. Hirst Research Centre, Wembley; Marconi Applied Research Laboratories, Cambridge; The Ministry of Defence; Inmarsat, London; Telsis Ltd, Fareham; Marconi Communications, Chelmsford; Autonomy, Cambridge; Cambridge Consultants Ltd, Cambridge; Goldtron Ltd, Singapore; Matra Marconi Space Ltd, Stevenage; Sony Broadcast and Professional Europe, Basingstoke; Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK and Redmond WA; Telairity Corp., San Jose CA.Selected Publications
These are some of my more recent papers and tutorials (since 1997), which may be downloaded and used subject to copyright restrictions of the journals / conferences in which they were published. Links to each year of publications:1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
N G Kingsbury and D W Redmill:"Image and video wavelet coding for noisy channels",
Proc. SPIE AeroSense '97 Conf., Wavelet Applications IV,
Orlando, FL, 21-25 April, 1997, vol 3078, p 1. (Invited paper.)
(zipped .PS) N G Kingsbury and J F A Magarey:
"Wavelet Transforms in Image Processing",
Proc. First European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction,
Prague, June 24-27, 1997, pp 23-34. (Invited paper.)
(zipped .PS)
J F A Magarey and N G Kingsbury:"Motion estimation using a complex-valued wavelet transform",
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, special issue on wavelets and filter banks,
vol 46, no 4, April 1998, pp 1069-84.
(zipped .PS) N G Kingsbury:
"The dual-tree complex wavelet transform: a new technique for shift invariance and directional filters",
IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, DSP 98, Bryce Canyon,
August 1998, paper no 86.
(zipped .PS) N G Kingsbury:
"The dual-tree complex wavelet transform: a new efficient tool for image restoration and enhancement",
Proc. European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 98, Rhodes,
September 1998, pp 319-322.
(zipped .PS) S J Whitehouse and N G Kingsbury:
"Enhancements to the Error Resilient Entropy Code",
IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing , Los Angeles,
December 7-9, 1998.
(zipped .PS)
N G Kingsbury:"Image Processing with Complex Wavelets",
Phil. Trans. Royal Society London A, September 1999, on a Discussion Meeting on
"Wavelets: the key to intermittent information?", London, February 24-25, 1999.
(zipped .PS) N G Kingsbury:
"Shift invariant properties of the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Phoenix, AZ,
paper SPTM 3.6, March 16-19, 1999.
(zipped .PS) M Vij and N G Kingsbury:
"Entropy coded pyramid vector quantisation for inter-band wavelet image coding",
IEE Proc. on Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol 147, no 4, August 2000, pp 304-312.
(zipped .PS) P F C de Rivaz and N G Kingsbury:
"Complex wavelet features for fast texture image retrieval",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, October 25-28, 1999.
(zipped .PS)
N G Kingsbury:"Complex wavelets and shift invariance",
Proc IEE Colloquium on Time-Scale and Time-Frequency Analysis and Applications,
IEE, London, 29 Feb, 2000.
(zipped .PS) P Loo and N G Kingsbury:
"Digital watermarking with complex wavelets",
Proc IEE Colloquium on Secure Images and Image Authentication,
IEE, London, 10 April, 2000.
(zipped .PS) H Choi, J Romberg, R Baraniuk and N Kingsbury:
"Hidden Markov tree modeling of complex wavelet transforms",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on ASSP, Istanbul, 6-9 June, 2000.
(PDF) T H Reeves and N G Kingsbury:
"Prediction of coefficients from coarse to fine scales in the complex wavelet transform",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on ASSP, Istanbul, 6-9 June, 2000.
(zipped .PS) A H Kam, T T Ng, N G Kingsbury and W J Fitzgerald:
"Content based image retrieval through object extraction and querying",
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Content-based Access of Image and Video Libraries,
Hilton Head Island, S Carolina, June 12, 2000, pp 91-95.
(Postscript, 6.6MB) P Loo and N G Kingsbury:
"Watermarking using complex wavelets with resistance to geometric distortion",
Proc. EUSIPCO 2000, Tampere, Finland, Sept 5-8, 2000.
(PDF) N G Kingsbury:
"A Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform with improved orthogonality and symmetry properties",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Vancouver, September 11-13, 2000, paper 1429.
(zipped .PS) P Loo and N G Kingsbury:
"Digital Watermarking using Complex Wavelets",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Vancouver, September 11-13, 2000, paper 3608.
(zipped .PS and .PPT) P F C de Rivaz and N G Kingsbury:
"Fast segmentation using level set curves of complex wavelet surfaces",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Vancouver, September 11-13, 2000, paper 1297.
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P Loo and N G Kingsbury:"Motion estimation based registration of geometrically distorted images for watermark recovery",
Proc SPIE Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III, San Diego, January 2001, paper 4314-68.
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Key journal paper on the DT-CWT:
N G Kingsbury:"Complex wavelets for shift invariant analysis and filtering of signals",
Journal of Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol 10, no 3, May 2001, pp. 234-253.
(zipped .PS) (PDF) T H Reeves and N G Kingsbury:
"R-D quantisation of complex coefficients in zerotree coding",
Proc. 11th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing 2001 (SSP2001), Singapore, August 2001.
(zipped .PS) A. Jalobeanu, N. Kingsbury, J. Zerubia:
"Image deconvolution using Hidden Markov Tree modeling of complex wavelet packets",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Greece, Oct 8-10, 2001.
(zipped .PS) P F C de Rivaz and N G Kingsbury:
"Bayesian Image Deconvolution and Denoising using Complex Wavelets",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Greece, Oct 8-10, 2001, paper 2639.
(zipped .PS)
C W Shaffrey, I H Jermyn and N G Kingsbury:"Psychovisual evaluation of image segmentation algorithms",
Proc. Conf. on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Ghent, Sept 9-11, 2002.
(PDF) C W Shaffrey, N G Kingsbury and I H Jermyn:
"Unsupervised Image Segmentation via Markov Trees and Complex Wavelets",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Rochester NY, Sept 23-25, 2002, paper 2324.
(PDF) T H Reeves and N G Kingsbury:
"Overcomplete image coding using iterative projection-based noise shaping",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Rochester NY, Sept 23-25, 2002, paper 2492.
(zipped .PS)
P Loo and N G Kingsbury:"Watermark detection based on the properties of error control codes",
IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Vol 150, 2, April 2003 pp 115-121.
(zipped .PS) N G Kingsbury and T H Reeves:
"Iterative image coding with overcomplete complex wavelet transforms",
Proc. Conf. on Visual Communications and Image Processing, July 8-11, 2003, Lugano, paper 1160.
(zipped .PS) N G Kingsbury:
"Design of Q-shift complex wavelets for image processing using frequency domain energy minimisation",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Barcelona, Sept 15-17, 2003, paper 1199.
(PDF) N G Kingsbury and T H Reeves:
"Redundant representation with complex wavelets: how to achieve sparsity",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Barcelona, Sept 15-17, 2003, paper 1531.
(PDF) J W Earl and N G Kingsbury:
"Spread transform watermarking for video sources",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Barcelona, Sept 15-17, 2003, paper 1904.
N G Kingsbury, A Zymnis and A Pena:"DT-MRI data visualisation using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform"
Proc. IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Arlington VA, April 15-18, 2004, paper 111.
(PDF) N G Kingsbury and A Zymnis:
"3D DT-MRI data visualisation using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform"
Proc. EURASIP Biosignal Conference, Brno Czech Rep., June 23-25, 2004, paper 31.
(PDF) M A Miller, N G Kingsbury and R W Hobbs:
"Least-squares migration using complex wavelets",
Proc. 2004 Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Denver, Oct. 2004, paper MIG-P2.3.
M A Miller, N G Kingsbury and R W Hobbs:"Seismic imaging using complex wavelets",
Proc. ICASSP Conference, Philadelphia, March 18-23, 2005, p II-557.
(PDF) M A Miller, N G Kingsbury and R W Hobbs:
"Seismic model parameter estimation using least-squares migration",
EAGE 67th Conference, Madrid, June 13-16, 2005.
(Word) R. Anderson, N. Kingsbury, and J. Fauqueur:
"Multiscale object features from clustered complex wavelet coefficients",
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Bordeaux, July 2005.
(PDF) R. Anderson, N. Kingsbury, and J. Fauqueur:
"Coarse level object recognition using interlevel products of complex wavelets",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Genoa, Sept 2005.
(PDF) J Fauqueur, N Kingsbury and R Anderson:
"Semantic discriminant mapping for classification and browsing of remote sensing textures and objects",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Genoa, Sept 2005.
(PDF) R. Anderson, N. Kingsbury, and J. Fauqueur:
"Determining multiscale image feature angles from complex wavelet phases",
Proc. International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), Toronto, Sept 2005.
(PDF) N Kingsbury, D B H Tay and M Palaniswami:
"Multi-scale kernel methods for classification",
Proc. IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop, Mystic CN, 28-30 Sept 2005, pp 43-48.
Tutorial paper on the DT-CWT:
I W Selesnick, R G Baraniuk, and N G Kingsbury:"The Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform,"
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol 22, no 6, pp 123-151, Nov. 2005.
J K H Ng, R W Prager, N Kingsbury, G M Treece and A H Gee:"An iterative, wavelet-based deconvolution algorithm for the restoration of ultrasound images in an EM framework",
Proc. conference on Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging, San Diego, 11-16 February 2006, Paper Number 6147-9.
(PDF) J K H Ng, R W Prager, N G Kingsbury, G M Treece, A H Gee:
"Modelling Ultrasound Imaging as a Linear, Shift-Variant System",
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol 53, no 3, pp 549-563, March 2006.
(PDF) M A Miller and N G Kingsbury:
"Statistical Image Modelling using Interscale Phase Relationships of Complex Wavelet Coefficients",
Proc. ICASSP Conference, Toulouse, May 14-19, 2006, paper IMDSP-P13.8.
(PDF) N Kingsbury:
"Rotation-invariant local feature matching with complex wavelets",
Proc. European Conference on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO), Florence, 4-8 Sept 2006, paper #1568982135.
(PDF) R Anderson, N Kingsbury and J Fauqueur:
"Rotation-invariant object recognition using edge-profile clusters",
Proc. European Conference on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO), Florence, 4-8 Sept 2006, paper #1568982041.
(PDF) J Fauqueur, N Kingsbury and R Anderson:
"Multiscale keypoint detection using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform",
Proc. IEEE Conference on Image Processing, Atlanta, GA, 8-11 Oct 2006.
(PDF) D B H Tay, N G Kingsbury and M Palaniswami:
"Orthonormal Hilbert-pair of wavelets with (almost) maximum vanishing moments",
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 13, no 9, Sept 2006, pp 533-6.
J K H Ng, R W Prager, N G Kingsbury, G M Treece, A H Gee:"Wavelet Restoration of Medical Pulse-Echo Ultrasound Images in an EM Framework",
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol 54, no 3, March 2007, pp 550-68.
(PDF) A Bharath and N Kingsbury:
"Phase Invariant Keypoint Detection",
15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2007), Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2007.
(PDF) J K H Ng, N G Kingsbury and W H Gomersall:
"A Wavelet-Based EM Algorithm for the Restoration of Medical Pulse-Echo Ultrasound Datasets",
IEEE SSP 2007 Workshop, Madison WI, 26-29 August 2007.
(zipped .PS) A Mahmood, P M Tudor, W Oxford, R Hansford, J D B Nelson, N G Kingsbury, A Katartzis, M Petrou,
N Mitianoudis, T Stathaki, A Achim, D Bull, N Canagarajah, S Nikolov, A Loza, and N Cvejic:
"Applied multi-dimensional fusion",
The Computer Journal, 50 (6), p 646-659, Nov 2007.
S K Pang, J D B Nelson, S J Godsill and N G Kingsbury:"Video tracking using Dual-Tree Wavelet Polar Matching and Particle Filtering",
IET Seminar on target tracking and data fusion, Birmingham, June 2008.
(PDF) J D B Nelson, S K Pang, N G Kingsbury and S J Godsill:
"Tracking Ground Based Targets in Aerial Video with Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Polar Matching and Particle Filtering",
Proc. FUSION 2008, 11th International Conf. on Information Fusion, Cologne, June 30 - July 3, 2008.
(PDF) Y Zhang and N G Kingsbury:
"A Bayesian wavelet-based multidimensional deconvolution with sub-band emphasis",
Proc. EMBC 2008, 30th Conference of the IEEE on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vancouver, August 20-24, 2008.
(PDF) R Nguyen van yen, M Farge, D Kolomenskiy, K Schneider and N Kingsbury:
"Wavelets meet Burgulence: CVS-filtered Burgers equation",
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol 237, issue 14-17, pp 2151-57, Elsevier, Aug 2008.
(PDF) M A Miller and N G Kingsbury:
"Image Modeling using Interscale Phase Properties of Complex Wavelet Coefficients",
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol 17, no 9, Sept 2008, pp 1491-99.
(PDF) M A Miller and N G Kingsbury:
"Image Denoising using Derotated Complex Wavelet Coefficients",
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol 17, no 9, Sept 2008, pp 1500-11.
(PDF) N G Kingsbury, T Reeves and Y Zhang:
"Iterative Sparsity Methods for Coding and Deconvolution with Overcomplete Transforms",
INSPIRE Sparsity Workshop, Cambridge, 14-15 December 2008.
C Oppenheimer, A S Lomakina, P R Kyle, N G Kingsbury and M Boichu:"Pulsatory magma supply to a phonolite lava lake",
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.04.043.
(PDF) S K Pang, J D B Nelson, S J Godsill and N Kingsbury:
"Video Tracking Using Dual-Tree Wavelet Polar Matching and Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filter",
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2009, Article ID 620404, 13 pages, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/620404.
(PDF) Y Zhang and N G Kingsbury:
"Image Deconvolution using a Gaussian Scale Mixtures Model to approximate the Wavelet Sparseness Constraint",
Proc. ICASSP 2009, Taipei, 19-24 April, 2009.
(PDF) N G Kingsbury and H J Trussell:
"Optimality in the Design of Overcomplete Decompositions",
SPIE Wavelets XIII Conference, San Diego, August 2009.
H Shin, R Prager, H Gomersall, N Kingsbury, G Treece and A Gee:"Estimation of Speed of Sound in Dual-Layered Media using Medical Ultrasound Image Deconvolution",
Ultrasonics, Volume 50, Issue 7, June 2010, Pages 716-725.
(PDF) H Shin, R Prager, H Gomersall, N Kingsbury, G Treece and A Gee:
"Estimation of Average Speed of Sound using Deconvolution of Medical Ultrasound Data",
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 623-636, 2010.
(PDF) T Hong and N G Kingsbury:
"Estimation of the Fundamental Matrix Based on Complex Wavelets",
International Conference on Networking and Information Technology (ICNIT 2010), Manila, Philippines, June 11 - 12, 2010.
(PDF) Y Zhang and N Kingsbury:
"Fast L0-based sparse signal recovery",
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2010), Aug 29 - Sept 1, 2010, Kittila, Finland.
(PDF) P Bendale, W Triggs and N G Kingsbury:
"Multiscale keypoint analysis based on complex wavelets",
British Machine Vision Conference 2010, Aberystwyth, Wales, 31 Aug - 3 Sept, 2010.
(PDF) J D B Nelson and N G Kingsbury:
"Fractal dimension based sand ripple suppression for mine hunting with sidescan sonar",
Institute of Acoustics Conference on Synthetic Aperture Sonar and Synthetic Aperture Radar, Sept 13-14, Lerici, Italy.
(PDF) J D B Nelson and N G Kingsbury:
"Dual-tree wavelets for estimation of locally varying and anisotropic fractal dimension",
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Hong Kong, Sept 26-29, 2010.
(PDF) E S Ng and N G Kingsbury:
"Matching of interest point groups with pairwise spatial constraints",
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Hong Kong, Sept 26-29, 2010.
(PDF) Y Zhang and N G Kingsbury:
"Restoration of images and 3D data to higher resolution by deconvolution with sparsity regularization",
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Hong Kong, Sept 26-29, 2010.
H Gomersall, D Hodgson, R Prager, N Kingsbury, G Treece and A Gee:"Efficient Implementation of Spatially-Varying 3D Ultrasound Deconvolution,"
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Volume 58, No 1, pp. 234-238, Jan 2011.
(PDF) J D B Nelson and N G Kingsbury:
"Enhanced shift and scale tolerance for rotation invariant polar matching with dual-tree wavelets",
IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol 20, no. 3, Mar 2011, pp 814-821.
(PDF) T Hong, N G Kingsbury and M D Furman:
“Biologically-inspired object recognition system with features from complex wavelets”,
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Brussells, Sept 11-14, 2011.
(PDF) N S Rao, R D Nowak, S J Wright and N G Kingsbury:
“Convex approaches to model wavelet sparsity patterns”,
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Brussells, Sept 11-14, 2011.
(PDF) A Pickering and N G Kingsbury:
“Object Search Using Wavelet-Based Polar Matching for Aerial Imagery”,
UDRC Conference on Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2011), London, 27-29 Sept. 2011.
H Chen and N G Kingsbury:"Efficient Registration of non-rigid 3-D Bodies",
IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol 21, no. 1, Jan 2012, pp 262-272.
(PDF) J D B Nelson and N G Kingsbury:
"Fractal dimension, wavelet shrinkage, and anomaly detection for mine hunting",
IET Signal Processing Journal, vol 6, no 3, May 2012.
(PDF) E S Ng and N G Kingsbury:
"Robust pairwise matching of interest points with complex wavelets",
IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol 21, no. 8, August 2012, pp 3429-42.
(PDF) T D Dunstan, N Swaminathan, K N C Bray and N G Kingsbury:
"Flame interactions in turbulent premixed twin V-flames",
Accepted for Combustion Science and Technology, July 2012.
(PDF) N. Anantrasirichai, A, Achim, D. Bull and N.G. Kingsbury:
“Mitigating the Effects of Atmospheric Distortion Using DTCWT Fusion,”
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Orlando, Florida, Oct 2012, paper WP.P7.2.
(PDF) J D B Nelson and N G Kingsbury:
"Multiresolution Markov Random Field Wavelet Shrinkage for Ripple Suppression in Sonar Imagery",
9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Birmingham, 17 - 20 December 2012.
Y Zhang and N Kingsbury:“Improved Bounds for Subband-adaptive Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithms”,
IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol 22, no. 4, April 2013, pp 1373-81.
(PDF) N.Anantrasirichai, A Achim, D R Bull, N Kingsbury:
“Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation using Complex Wavelet-based Fusion”,
IEEE Trans on Image Processing, vol 22, no. 6, June 2013, pp 2398-2408.
(PDF) T D Roberts, N G Kingsbury and D J Holland:
“Sparse recovery of complex phase-encoded velocity images using iterative thresholding”,
IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Melbourne, Australia, Sept 2013.
(PDF) G Zhang and N G Kingsbury:
“Fast L0-based image deconvolution with variational Bayesian inference and majorization–minimization”,
IEEE GlobalSIP conference, Austin, TX, Dec 2013.
N Peters, C Oppenheimer, P Kyle, N Kingsbury:“Decadal persistence of cycles in lava lake motion at Erebus volcano, Antarctica”,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395 (2014), pp 1-12, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.032.
(PDF) G Zhang and N G Kingsbury:
“A thresholded Landweber algorithm for wavelet-based sparse Poisson deconvolution”,
IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Beijing, April 2014.
(PDF) T D Roberts and N G Kingsbury:
"Bayesian denoising/deblurring of Poisson-Gaussian corrupted data using complex wavelets”,
IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Beijing, April 2014.
(PDF) T D Roberts and N G Kingsbury:
“Fast approximate L0-norm deconvolution using structured wavelet domain priors”,
Proc. ICASSP 2014, Florence, May 2014.
(PDF) G Zhang, T D Roberts and N G Kingsbury:
“Image deconvolution using tree-structured Bayesian group sparse modelling”,
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing 2014, Paris, France, Oct 2014.
G Zhang and N G Kingsbury:“Markov-tree Bayesian Group-sparse Modeling: Efficient Solutions to Large Inverse Problems”,
SPARS 2015, Cambridge, UK, July 2015.
(PDF) G Zhang and N Kingsbury:
“Variational Bayesian Image Restoration with Group-sparse Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients”,
Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, Volume 47, December 2015, Pages 157–168.
Special Issue in Honour of William J. (Bill) Fitzgerald.
G Zhang and N G Kingsbury:“Markov-tree Bayesian group-sparse modelling with wavelets”,
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca, 26-29 June, 2016.
(PDF) H. J. Trussell, A. O. Ercan, N. G. Kingsbury:
“Color filters: When 'optimal' is not optimal”,
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, Phoenix, AZ, Sept 2016.
(PDF) A. Singh and N. Kingsbury:
"Multi-Resolution Dual-Tree Wavelet Scattering Network for Signal Classification",
Proc. 11th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Birmingham, UK, Dec 2016.
A. Singh and N. Kingsbury:"Dual-Tree Wavelet Scattering Network with Parametric Log Transformation for Object Classification",
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2017.
(PDF) A. Singh and N. Kingsbury:
"ScatterNet Hybrid Deep Learning (SHDL) Network For Object Classification",
Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Sept 2017.
(PDF) F. Cotter and N. Kingsbury:
"Visualizing and improving scattering networks",
Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Sept 2017.
(PDF) A. Singh and N. Kingsbury:
"Efficient Convolutional Network Learning using Parametric Log based Dual-Tree Wavelet ScatterNet ",
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshop, Oct 2017.
A. Singh and N. Kingsbury:"Generative ScatterNet Hybrid Deep Learning (G-SHDL) network with structural priors for semantic image segmentation",
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Apr 2018.
(PDF) J. D. B. Nelson, A. J. Gibberd, C. Nafornita and N Kingsbury:
"The locally stationary dual-tree complex wavelet model",
Statistics and Computing, Vol. 28, No. 6, 11.2018, p. 1139-1154.
(PDF) F. Cotter and N. Kingsbury:
"Deep Learning in the Wavelet Domain",
preprint arXiv:1811.06115, Nov 2018.
F. Cotter and N. Kingsbury:"A Learnable Scatternet: locally invariant convolutional layers",
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept 2019.
(PDF) For a more complete list of the Signal Processing Group publications please see the Group Publications page. Recent research associates and research students of mine whose work you will find referenced here are: David Redmill, Robert Swann, Steve Whitehouse - Error resilient image coding
Shanika Karunasekara, Edmund Yeh - Psychovisual distortion measures
Adam Tibbalds - 3-D face recognition
Madhav Vij - Lattice VQ image compression
David Elias, Ben Bradshaw - Motion estimation and compensation
Julian Magarey, Peter de Rivaz, Tanya Reeves - Complex wavelets
Patrick Loo, John Earl - Image and video watermarking with complex wavelets
Tian Tsong Ng, Cian Shaffrey - Image retrieval with complex wavelets
Vincent Lee, Mark Miller - Image enhancement with complex wavelets
James Ng, Henry Gomersall - 3D Ultrasound image enhancement
Ryan Anderson, Julien Fauqueur, James Nelson, Pashmina Bendale, Tao Hong, Ee Sin Ng, Stewart Forshaw, Rich Wareham - Robust object recognition and tracking
Tim Gale, Peter Chan - Object recognition with large databases
Yingsong Zhang, Tim Roberts, Ganchi Zhang - Sparsity-regularised deconvolution for images and 3D data
Amarjot Singh, Fergal Cotter - Scatter Nets, Wavelets and Deep Learning.